Baby Wild Hog taken from my driveway. |
Actually, this cute little girl is no friend of mine. Oh sure, she's adorable right now, but take a look at her nose. She's already rooting up the ground. In just a few weeks she'll be a regular rototiller, and in five months, she'll be breeding. She will have a litter of six to eight piglets every four to five months. Do the math. There are an estimated six million wild hogs in the U.S. and their numbers are increasing. Wild hogs do millions of dollars of property damage each year. A few years ago, I caught twenty six hogs out of a three acre piece of woods surrounded by homes in a couple of months. One of them was over four hundred pounds! Not only do they do damage to property, they can do some serious damage to you too. Their tusk are razor sharp. When cornered or startled, they will fight, and they don't like to lose. One night, I caught two sows and two boars in my trap at the same time. I knew I would have hard time handling four so I asked my wife to help me. Being the trooper she is, she helped me get all four out of the trap, tie their feet, and castrate the boars. The pigs were laying on the ground snapping their teeth (that's how they sharpen them) and the boars were growling. I needed help picking a couple of them up and putting them in the truck. She would not lift them with me until I tied their mouths shut. After we got them home and safely into our pen, I told her that I was so impressed with her bravery. She quickly told me to never ask her for help again. She told me that she was terrified the whole time, but she never let on.
175lb Wild Boar I caught in a neighborhood.
Boar walking around on our road like he owns the place. |
Wow! Great story! I had no idea Melinda was so brave....but if my husband ever asked ME to help hog-tie wild hogs I think I'd kick him!